Louise Sloan House — Call for Proposals

  • 230 S Main Street
    USA Davidson, NC 28036
    Mecklenburg County
  • Call for Proposals
  • 2,830 square feet
  • Lot Size: 0.194 acres

Lindsay Laird, Senior Planner
Town of Davidson
704-940-9611, llaird@townofdavidson.org

Looking for a New Project? The Town of Davidson is Looking for Adaptive Reuse Proposals for a Property in Davidson’s Historic District!

The Town of Davidson, in partnership with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission, requests proposals for adaptive reuse of the Louise Sloan House located at 230 South Main Street, Davidson, NC. The property is designated as part of a local historic district and is also listed as a contributing structure to the Davidson National Register Historic District.

The Town of Davidson seeks a buyer for the Sloan House who has a vision for development that aligns objectives outlined in the Sloan House Request for Proposals (RFP), a reasonable timeframe for completing the renovations, and the financial resources needed to complete a successful project. The ultimate objective is for the completed Sloan House project to become an aesthetically appealing historic asset for Davidson, an active and vibrant contributor to the local economy, and a visible connection between Davidson’s historic downtown core and the South Main Street business district.

Proposals are due on or before Friday, May 2, 2025, at 5:00pm. Those interested in submitting a proposal are invited to view the Sloan House RFP and supplemental materials at www.townofdavidson.org/sloanhouse. 

For specific questions about the adaptive reuse/redevelopment of the Sloan House, please contact Lindsay Laird at llaird@townofdavidson.org.