Owner of The Table in group that buys historic mill
ASHEBORO — Members of the Asheboro City Council approved a resolution Thursday night to accept an offer of $119,000 to buy a historic downtown mill property.
The company that submitted the bid is named VSR LLC. Dustie Gregson of The Table Farmhouse Bakery, one of the partners, said the letters VSR are significant: They stand for “Vision to Sow and Rebuild.”
The vision, she explained, is to restore the structure, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, to sow seeds to rebuild downtown Asheboro.
“It’s so beautifully located in our community in the center of downtown,” she said Friday. “I really believe this is going to become the springboard for more and more people to say, ‘I’m willing to invest and invest well and create things for downtown.’ I think it’s just the beginning of what we’re going to see downtown.”
Of course, Gregson said, revitalization is well under way, with a number of downtown restaurants thriving and attracting patrons, along with other private enterprises and the city-owned Sunset Theatre.
(Courier-Tribune, 9/16/2016)